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I think she likes him?

Sam: “Hands up who thinks Margery is cute? The only parts of him that aren’t adorable are his butt, his bits, and his teeth.”

Two takes on Xmas lists

An email from my son arrived a couple of weeks before Christmas: Hello Dad. Here my Xmas list 1. new lego city sets. 2.xbox live gold 3.$1,000 Sam, though, delivered me a handwritten list. Quite an extensive one, too:

They love each other really

Zach flings his jersey over Sam’s head. She stands stock still and sighs deeply, then resignedly says “HOW much longer do I have to put UP with this?”

There’s not really any comeback to that

Sam, dressed as a princess, starts to strip off to put some overalls on. “Sam,” I say, “you don’t have to take your normal clothes off. The overalls go over your normal clothes; that’s why they’re called overalls.” I sit back, smug in my Dad-is-a-font-of-all-knowledge aura. Sam stares at me. “Daddy.” A small pause. A […]

Random quotes, part deux

"Everything’s fish at the Fisherman’s Table. Except the tables." (Samantha the future advertising executive) Sarah: “It’s OK, Sam. Wives are made to not listen to husbands.” Sam: “No, they have to listen… to their deaths!” Damian: “Er…” Sam: “And YOU’RE the death in this family, Daddy!” "Little witches with blood on their chins." (Sam describes […]

Some of the conversations around here are really, REALLY weird

Sarah: “You could go to a tennis camp, Zach.” Zach: “A penis camp?!” Sarah: “No! A tennis camp… what would you do at a penis camp?” Damian: “Well, at tennis camp you play tennis, so at penis camp you play…” Sarah: <filthy look> Zach: “Well, it would be better if you and I were at […]

This is the sort of thing that the first week at school leads to

“Mum, do Australian people eat spiders?” “Er… no, darling. Why do you ask?” “Well, I’ve got spiders on my window and I was just wondering if, um… if those people would EAT spiders.”

The first snippets of 2014

Zach was explaining to me how his snorkel works, and included the following fact: “It has a design feature that lets you know when you’re too far underwater.” Interested, I asked him how it worked, since as far as I could tell it was just a tube. “It fills up with water” he stated somewhat […]

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In order to keep the peace during a prolonged trip to Pete’s Emporium – Zach wants a Minecraft party this year, and that requires a lot of cubes, as you’d expect – the children were allowed a couple of small things each, as the imported-from-China prices mean that this is not burdensome. Zach took the […]

I guess that’s one way of looking at it

“Goodness, Sam, you’ve eaten a lot of prawns. Do you like them?” “No, I don’t like them. I’m just trying them a lot.”

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