Archive for February, 2009

There are only two options

Either Sarah and I can’t follow simple instructions – say, how to measure an infant from head to foot, or Our daughter is freakishly tall. Her length from tip to toe is 62cm, at seven-and-a-half weeks’ old. If you refer to either the NZ growth charts, or the somewhat less readable WHO ones, you will […]

Well, crap.

What do you get if you have a baby that doesn’t poo for five days? You get the most unholy amount of liquefied crap ever seen in one location. Rapidly. Through the clothes, on the sofa. Through two cloth nappies. Everywhere, EVERYWHERE. It was like an explosion in a Crayola factory, assuming that the factory […]

She smiled at me today.

She may now be allowed to stay with us.

Straight in a home, as soon as he can legally do it

Sarah opened the hall cupboard today and somewhat perplexedly pulled out half an aeroplane, a hard hat, and a painted cardboard roll. Upon being asked, Zach looked up and explained that “them were old”.

An indicator of things to come?

At four weeks, Zach was in the 20th percentile of weight. At one month, Samantha is in the 85th. I can’t help but sense some sort of rivalry here.

Minor, sleep-deprived update

There have been not many updates here because of the following two factors working in conjunction with each other: Samantha doesn’t like to sleep for more than a few hours a night, and Zach thinks that getting up after 6am is a ridiculous proposition. So the routine while I’ve been on leave has been for […]