Archive for August, 2010

Zach, meet food. Food, Zach.

Zach got home from school today and presented a sadly-full lunchbox to his mother. “i tried your sandwiches, Mummy,” he said, continuing “they were DISGUSTING.” Continuing the theme of not eating, his dinnertime pasta started dancing and singing its way into his mouth, courtesy of his parents. Apparently one mouthful was a little too lively, […]

Today’s extended bathroom monologue

“My just puffed out a poompfh! It sounds like a PPPPFFFFFfffttthhhhmmm!” “… My just done another one! And another one!” “… AND ANOTHER ONE!” “That one sounded like Thomas when he drops: hmmmmpppphhhhfffff.” “No, wait… how many did my do? One… two… three. Three poompfhs! And the last one sounded like Thomas!”